Sunday 11 September 2022


A long interview with a psychedelics researcher from John Hopkins university. Academic research has begun again in recent years, after a 30 year moratorium, the establishment having been scared shitless by LSD etc. And, in a way, understandably so. Our constructed reality can unravel under the influence of psychedelics, which is horrifying if, like normal people, your existential security lies in the apparent solidity of this world.

Don't frighten the horses, that would seem to be the approach needed now. Fortunately there is no Timothy Leary telling everyone to turn on, tune in and drop out. Society will tolerate that which contravenes public reality as long as we do it skilfully.

One of my own experiences, aged 20, involved an early initiation into my shadow side. This was really difficult for me but, looking back, invaluable. It was what others would have called a 'bad trip', but I don't see it like that. Those experiences deepened me. It also took 3 years, after those intense months of mushrooming, before my feet landed fully back into this world.

I like to take LSD occasionally as an inspirational re-set. I have access to some DMT which I've yet to try, but it's apparently big on reality unravelling. I think psychedelics also have an initiatory role to play. I am a bit wary of their frequent use. One person who has spent a lot of time in the Amazon was telling me that traditionally the taking of Ayahuasca is seen as an early stage in the training that initiates you, but that the real work comes later. I agree with that.

I think that with over-frequent usage you are likely to get subtly or not so subtly stuck at a certain point. Our purpose on this earth IMO is to incarnate, to show up fully. Psychedelics, sweatlodges, shamanic journeys and ceremonies generally all bring inspiration and perspective, but they are not a place to identify with or to be lived in. Religion is when you start to identify with certain practices, and that is kind of a natural human thing to do. But this world and the spirit world are not different places. It can take many years to experience the spirit world around you in the midst of this world. But I think that is what we are here to do.

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