Wednesday 26 February 2020


Being an Elder is better thought of as something that works through you, rather than something that you are. It is a responsibility you carry for the community at large, and if you are sensitive, how is that something that you, as a lone individual, can carry? You cannot. It would burn you out. It is Spirit working through you that is the Elder.
And what Spirit has in mind... well who knows? You may end up looking like you have fucked up royally, for now anyway, because there is some larger purpose at play. Gandalf gets it, when he says that the appalling Gollum has some part to play in the future unfolding of the great Middle Earth drama.
You always have your eye on the bigger picture as an Elder, and you may not have the words for it, but you have a sense of it, and people will respond to that sense, and not over-insist on the words and the logic. And you will not mind that it sometimes looks like you have fucked up, that is why you have earned your place as an Elder. Politicians at their best are Elders to some extent, even the ones you don't vote for, and they are always having to carry the can for messes that probably began before they were in power. Or having to make decisions for which there are downsides whichever way they look.

Caring too much about what others think of us is part of the human condition. It is necessary up to a point, else how would we ever have community? But nowadays we have the worst of both worlds: we are often obsessed with the values of society - keeping busy, getting up early, not looking like a down-and-out - yet we are atomised, we do not hold together very well. Everyone thinks they are independent, but minds so much what the neighbours think.

The Elder has found their way out of all this, their buttons are not so pressable, they can put their feet up at any time, they don't give a s^$t, and that is why Spirit trusts them. Have you noticed that you have to earn the trust of Spirit? Spirit will always love you, and will always help you, and that can be in hard, dismembering ways that go on for years - if you are so honoured - which will make you listen in new ways. Because listening to ourselves and to the wider Spirit that we are a part of is key, is where it all grows from.
And I want to mention Leo Rutherford at this point. He is in his mid 80s, and like any authentic Elder he is not perfect, and he says the 'wrong' things. He says that climate change theory - which is usually presented as fact, not theory - is open to question, shock horror, and I have even heard him express agreement with some aspects of Tory policy. Now how can this be? Surely anyone who is spiritual cannot have any sympathy whatsoever with the Tory Party? But this is one thing Elders do - they are coyote, they upset the assumptions by which most of us live. It is not wilful, it is genuine.

Elders understand that any description of the world is provisional, it is a story: really we know nothing, it is all the Great Mystery. But we need stories, and we also need contradictory stories so that we do not sink into that lazy human tendency to live by and stand by just one story - like Christianity used to, and like Science often does nowadays.
Evolution and the Big Bang are generally the only Creation Myths in town these days - anything else is 'just' a story. A decent Elder will bust you out of this - but may appear as a wilful eccentric along the way. And climate change is no different - how could a mere scientific theory ever encompass more than a sliver of the truth in this beautiful dream of Mother Earth of which we are a part? Yet we have divided ourselves into 'respecters of truth' and 'climate deniers'. As I say, a good Elder will bust you out of this dichotomy. Elders are not always comfortable to be around, or they would not be doing their job. But it is all in the interests of holding a bigger picture in our minds, and having a sense of what we cannot know.

We are in such a hurry in our culture, and we want something to show for it. This Shamanic path is a slow-burn one, and needs nothing to show. The essence of it is about coming into a good relationship with yourself. It is not about being able to talk to Spirit Guides or being a great healer or being able to wax lyrical about how you can communicate with nature, valuable as all those may be. No, I repeat, it is about coming into a good relationship with yourself. A deep relationship. And this generally takes many years. We may need dismembering along the way, we may need to lose jobs and relationships and homes and values and health and be betrayed. Or we may need to just steadily incarnate in a conventional kind of way for 20 years. Whatever, this life is like an oak tree, not an annual, and we need the winters to regroup and re-dream.

Or rather, to be redreamed. For it is not under our control, though it can seem so with the short view. With the long view, as you come out of some 20-year relationship or career wondering what the hell that was all about, you can start to get the big picture that Spirit has always held. And Spirit is prepared to take its time, it thinks nothing of taking 20 years for you to learn one big thing, which it probably tricked you into in the first place. (That is what romantic love is: a trick to get us to eventually encounter our shadow side.) The big things have the depth, and they take the time, and if you learn one big thing in this lifetime then you are graced. You are indeed a hedgehog (who knows one big thing) as opposed to a fox (who knows lots of small things - Archilochus).

Our Shamamic Tribe is splintered. It has not fallen apart, it has just never come together. Not adequately, at any rate. The real Elders, I suspect, have often kept themselves to themselves, knowing that it is enough just to be an authentic human being - for what else is this Shamanic thing about?

Shamanism is an attempt to recapture the naturalness of early humans, which of course is still in us, and at a time before there were these big stages on which humans could display themselves and claim to be maestros. Shamanism to me is the perennial philosophy, beyond time and place and holy books and teachers, and which nowadays arises wherever you have a society that is free enough to allow freedom of thought and expression.

That is not something I take for granted. It may pass. Large complex societies do not maintain stability through relationships, but through impersonal rules, and sometimes those rules become rigid. And you never know when that will happen. History is not an onward march to freedom, it is a hit and miss thing. So I am thankful that, for now, we can do this Shamanic thing in a free kind of way.

You find the Elder in the North of the Medicine Wheel, where you also find Community. The Elder is able to provide a heart, guidance, a focus for community to happen without too many people falling out with each other - he/she straddles all sides of the partial viewpoints that seem perennial to people. In our culture, people often end up as teachers quite early, and that is partly because we think 'professionally', where we see personhood in terms of acquiring a set of skills and competences that we present to the world. Some people may indeed be ready to be Elders when young, but I don't think that is usually the case: we need many years of slow roasting and transformation. I think it is for this reason that we are not, IMO, very good at community in the shamanic world. We have many small circles, headed by people who may or may not have a good relationship with their own shadows. And the big conferences you see: I'm sure they do valuable stuff, but the emphasis is too much 'come along because such-and-such an Elder will be there'. Community needs to happen more organically and under the radar than this, it is not about occasional events where certain 'names' are promoted.

Shamanism is not about a display of 'skills', it is about your soul and other people's souls, which is something quite different. And if you do big yourself up, if you list all these testimonials about how wonderful you are or call yourself a master or even a pipe carrier or whatever, then you haven't really understood what this path is about, there is something you haven't sorted in yourself yet, you haven't mastered your ego, Spirit is not yet calling the shots to the extent that is needed and you shouldn't be up there doing this stuff.

I am not suggesting we need to be free of our shadow stuff, that will always be there, in fact it also serves us, it keeps us humble - if we are in an honest relationship with it - that is the key, and that is what takes the time, maybe decades. And that is what gives us the wisdom. Anyone can have a Spirit connection, but not anyone has the integrity to spend the years integrating that connection with the rest of who they are. Doing that is what gives us the real wisdom, and not doing that is what causes the most damage as a teacher - as a fake Elder. It's usually more mixed than that, but I think I've made the point.

Let's face it: the bulk of humanity wants simple beliefs and certainties, and always has done: this is how the world was made, this is how the universe works. This is what makes you a good person, and this makes you a bad person. And so on. Science, with its simple answers around origins and death, is no different to the simple stories that have always been around. In our quest for simple beliefs and certainties, we also project spirituality onto indigenous people rather than own it in ourselves - which is a demanding thing to do - and become reverent and unquestioning when they enter the room. This is just religion all over again. Enough of Popes!
But the Elder understands this. There is not something ‘wounded’ going on when this happens. It is just humanity as it has always been, indigenous or otherwise. An Elder will say enough to shake up the tramlines, but not so much as to frighten the horses.

Saturday 22 February 2020


It's been weeks since I've been out on Dartmoor, because the weather has been so rough. Even today, when I was in the hills around Meldon Reservoir, there was one point where I was almost blown over by the wind. I have a thin down-filled coat, and that is enough to keep me warm. For me, it is inspirational to be out on my own in the wilds. It feeds me, and I feel so much better for it. The exercise too. One way of putting it is that I drink in the beauty of a landscape, it is a bodily experience, and it stays with me and there is a sense in which I become it, I become part of the natural world. In this way beauty connects us to that which we have always been. 

Towards the end of the walk I came upon Black-a-Tor copse, which is similar to Wistman's Wood, which I visit often. It is made up of English oaks, stunted by the sparse conditions, with moss hanging from them, trunks covered in lichen, and the ground strewn with large boulders, which you have to clamber over. And a vigorous stream running alongside. Magical. Lichen, I found out, is 2 species: a fungus, which provides the protection, and an alga that brings in the food through photosynthesis.
I offer Shamanic consultations, usually by skype, in which we can talk over anything you want to talk over. I may use the Medicine Wheel, Journeying, Astrology, Tarot or anything that works. And it centres around listening to ourselves in a deep way. I work on a donation basis, and I am happy with whatever is easy for you: I love this work. Contact:

Saturday 15 February 2020


I’ve been doing a fair bit of fasting over the last 6 months, and I find that on the second day I enter a different state – slower, more thoughtful, clearer and closer to who I am in Spirit. It is a very good place to be, but not if you want to get a lot done – probably best kept to weekends! And I think once you have done it a few times, you get the trick of turning feelings of hunger, which can be painful, into a feeling of giving your stomach a rest and entering some other deep process. There is a quietly joyful aspect to it. It seems to be good for both mental and physical health.
At present I am living with what one might call an archetype – Sophia – a feminine presence that apparently comes to some men as they get a bit older: she has a power and wisdom that come from the earth. (I think we are all both genders, or neither, and that the trans thing can miss this.) And it seems to me that the main purpose of my life for the next few years will be absorbing her to make a new basis to who I am. This is a huge and welcome task, I have been given a great gift. The purpose of my life is not to save the world, nor even to be of help to others, but rather to co-operate with the mysterious unfolding of my spirit. I think that always was the purpose, though I didn’t know it. But it ties in with the traditional perspective that our primary task is to take care of that deep thing in ourselves. That can seem selfish, but it isn’t. It is grounded and sane. And the fasting brings me closer to her.
I’m reading a book about the Native American Medicine Man Rolling Thunder, by Doug Boyd. It’s a great book full of down to earth teaching set in the context of the author’s experiences with him. If you look up Rolling Thunder you will find him on the new age fraud and plastic shaman sites. That to me can be a recommendation, for these sites are often set up by fundamentalist Native Americans who do not want to share the teachings. They are mean-minded and will scream cultural appropriation at anyone who shares the teachings. Well Rolling Thunder does share, and I don’t know what a fraud is technically, all I know is that he talks a lot of sense, and that is good enough for me.

I offer Shamanic consultations, usually by skype, in which we can talk over anything you want to talk over. I may use the Medicine Wheel, Journeying, Astrology, Tarot or anything that works. And it centres around listening to ourselves in a deep way. I work on a donation basis, and I am happy with whatever is easy for you: I love this work. Contact:
So anyway, here he is talking about purification, which I realised fasting is a form of (they are all about to head off to some hot springs at night as a purification ceremony):
“The beginning is purification., that’s the first step. That’s a big step and it’s serious business. There’s a right way to do everything, and there’s a right way of purification. It’s completely natural, I’ll tell you that much. There’s nothing artificial. And purification means purification of body and mind. You don’t purify the body without cleansing the mind, that’s the way it works.
Maybe someday there will be a purification centre up in those hills. Below there might be a camp, or a meeting lodge. There could be study and teaching and fun, too. People could have discussions and talk and think about things. But when a person walks up that path for purification, everything but the person will be left behind. There will be no books or radios or any connection with the outside world. People will leave their clothes behind, too. The clothes will be waiting for them when they get back, but they’ll use buckskins and all the necessary and natural means will be provided for cleansing the body and purifying the mind. So people can leave their opinions behind with their toothbrushes.
In the old days when all our people lived by the tradition, and purification was practised by everyone, we had many means such as sweat lodges and herbal medicines and special rituals. Different people had different methods, but many things were common knowledge that are mostly unknown today. Things that are meant for a good purpose can also be used for a bad purpose; and many of those things, if they were known today, would be used in a wrong way…
People have to be responsible for their thoughts, so they have to learn to control them. It may not be easy, but it can be done. First of all, if we don’t want to think certain things we don’t say them. We don’t have to eat everything we see, and we don’t have to say everything we think. So we begin by watching our words and speaking with good purpose only. There are times when we must have clear and pure minds with no unwanted thoughts and we have to train and prepare steadily for those times until we are ready. We don’t have to say or think what we don’t wish to. We have a choice in those things, and we have to realize that and practice making that choice. There is no use condemning yourself for the thoughts and ideas and dreams that come into your mind.; so there’s no use arguing with yourself or fighting your thoughts. Just realize that you can think what you choose. If they keep coming into your head, just let them alone and say ‘I don’t choose to have such thoughts’ and they will soon go away. If you keep a steady determination and stick with that purpose you will know how to use that choice and control your consciousness so unwanted thoughts don’t come to you anymore. Then you can experience purification completely and in the right way and no impurities can exist in your mind or body at any time.”

Thursday 13 February 2020


So this year's UK Shamanic Gathering will be from 9-13 September in Somerset. We welcome all approaches to Shamanism, you don't need to be from the UK, and we are inviting workshop presentations: if you have an interesting angle on Shamanism, please consider offering something at the Gathering. Just follow the 'Book/Programme' link, you have until 7th March

Saturday 8 February 2020


I recently did a 1/2 hour interview with Rhonda McCrimmon of the Centre for Shamanism in Scotland. We covered my personal story with Shamanism, along with Journeying, Embodying the Spirits, Global Shamanism, Cultural Appropriation and we ran out of time just before we got to the Medicine Wheel. Here it is (Go to Podcast 21 on the right of the page)

I offer Shamanic consultations, usually by skype, in which we can talk over anything you want to talk over. I may use the Medicine Wheel, Journeying, Astrology, Tarot or anything that works. And it centres around listening to ourselves in a deep way. I work on a donation basis, and I am happy with whatever is easy for you: I love this work. Contact:

Tuesday 4 February 2020


NB Please note the free email subscribe box at the top right of the page 
In his book ‘Owning your Own Shadow’, Robert Johnson draws a distinction between contradiction and paradox. Contradiction is the normal human condition: we view one half of our experience as good, as desirable, and we judge and shut out that which is not so.

In our work and busyness-obsessed culture, you may feel guilty because you got up at 11am when there were all these things needing to be done. Or virtuous because you did indeed get up at 8am and got busy. The truth of it probably was that you had 2 conflicting wants: to lie around and dream, and to get things done. (And a guy with a big stick telling you one of them is right and the other wrong.) If you can hold both of these urges without judging either, without having to come down on one side or the other by feeling virtuous or guilty, than you are in paradox rather than in contradiction. And a new type of consciousness can emerge, that is outside of the usual boxes in which we and in which society finds its life. Really, it is outside of space and time, and there is joy and a deep relief around it, since we are no longer ‘doing’ something to ourselves, not carving ourselves up. We are with the Divine, with Spirit.

Contradiction is fundamental to the way we generally work. It is easier than paradox, though it comes with a price. Try it with politics: argue the case for the bunch you don’t vote for, appreciate their humanity. Most people don’t seem able to do this. In fact, it seems to be part of their ‘spirituality’ to remain in contradiction about their politics, and to heavily judge the other side as uncaring or whatever, instead of moving into paradox.

Listen to this TED talk if you want to move from political contradiction to paradox.
Generally, we want to know where we stand, and we want it simple. When we die – well, in medieval times, you had heaven and hell. That is simple. Nowadays you have extinction of consciousness – that is simple too. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it is simple. It is simple psychology that requires something 'certain' outside of itself in order to feel it is secure, that it has a foundation. Part of our job as healers is to open up those rigid tramlines, for they can also cause illness. But not to disrupt them so much that the person cannot cope, or takes against us. Spirit will generally show us how far we can go.
I offer Shamanic consultations, usually by skype, in which we can talk over anything you want to talk over. I may use the Medicine Wheel, Journeying, Astrology, Tarot or anything that works. And it centres around listening to ourselves in a deep way. I work on a donation basis, and I am happy with whatever is easy for you: I love this work. Contact:


Mandorla at Chalice Well, Glastonbury
The Mandorla is a mystical medieval Christian symbol created by overlapping 2 circles. The almond shape where they overlap is the Mandorla – the word itself is Italian for almond. The 2 circles are the state of contradiction – of good and bad – in which we normally live, and in which religion finds it place. Where the circles overlap is where good and bad are held together in paradox. It is where the mystic goes, the mystic who knows God, who is an open channel for Spirit. 

So notice it is only an overlap. It is an overlap because it is not a place we can live all the time. It is a special place, the place of vision, of visitation by poetry and by angels and other beings. Like it or not, we live in the world, experiencing opposites such as pain and pleasure, life and death, which come with having a body. It is important to incarnate, as well as to be aligned with the visionary dimension.

I offer skype/FB video astrology readings, by donation. Contact: BWGoddard1 (at)


In the Medicine Wheel, the equivalent of the Mandorla is at the centre, the point of balance. The centre of the Wheel is not a mild dilution and equalising of the 4 elements that we find in each direction, but a dynamic fusing of them that creates something new, a new level of consciousness that is more complete. We find this idea in the Middle Way in Buddhism, which again can sound a bit watered down, neither one thing nor the other. But again it points to the diamond that is formed when large opposing forces are allowed to synergise.

In the Medicine Wheel I use, this principle lies in the Blue Road, across the East-West axis. The Blue Road represents gifts from Spirit that are not ours to determine. The Red Road is North-South, and is Mind and Emotion, something we can work with in our everyday lives, and which eventually results in the accession of Spirit of the Blue Road.

So the Blue Road. East-West is Fire and Earth, Spirit and Body. It is the light of the Sun and the darkness of the dream and of incarnation, of the struggles of everyday adult life (which the West also represents). It is this tension between the ideal and the real, along which we often take sides. Politically, you could say, the left represents the ideal, the East; the right represents the real, the West. One prioritises caring for people, the other the state of the economy. And of course both are needed, without judging either of them. And most of us find that so difficult.

The purpose of our lives, at least according to a Chippewa Cree guy I asked, is to become a balanced human being. I can go with that. If all we do is to discern and hold the different forces within ourselves, without judging between them, then Spirit will take care of the rest, for it will have room to come in and illuminate with its more complete way of knowing.
And this can be very difficult when we are in the grip of powerful feelings that we may just want to flee from and get drunk. Just stay with it, hold it, your guides are there loving you and egging you on. This is why I say the Centre of the Wheel is not like a dilute cordial that satisfies no-one, but more like the place where diamonds are created from huge pressures, that may indeed tear us apart, but for the purpose of revealing some new and more whole life within.

Profound magic: Possession by the Spirits
One way we can hold these different forces is through dancing them. Robert Johnson, as a therapist, had a client who would do this in the consulting room, while he cowered behind the sofa. This suggests it was pretty wild, which is how it can sometimes need to be. Uninhibited. This is something we have forgotten over 1000 years, as the controlling forces of organised Christianity took hold. So yes, we need an ongoing self-awareness of these contradictions. And then times, such as in trance dance or in prayer, where we can let these voices speak in their fullness. There is a Spirit behind them. All this is a profound alchemy.