Wednesday 27 September 2023


 People used to be required to believe in a guy who died pre-emptively for their sins 2000 years ago, or they would burn in hell forever. 


Nowadays we are required to believe that unless we dismantle our whole way of life, there will be an apocalypse in which the world itself will burn. 

There's maybe not a lot of difference. Both are redemptive religious beliefs, and no doubt the collective needs them. Given the choice, I'd probably stick with what we used to have. The most I hope for is to be able to gnaw at the edges of dogma and foster islands of sanity. Meanwhile, the planet will carry on as before, oblivious of our attempts to save her 😎

Friday 22 September 2023


My next book, The Shapeshifters Trilogy, is available for pre-order on Amazon. It is a fantasy novel that gives expression to my experience of working with the Spirits - Shapeshifting. It is also a world-transforming myth that addresses the old cultural clash between spirit and reason. If you buy it and leave a genuine rating on Amazon, I will give you not one but two free astrology/tarot readings, as it's a substantial, albeit page-turning, read. 

From the back of Shapeshifters: "In a world where dogmatic science has replaced tyrannical religion, the Shapeshifters – those with the ability to take animal form – are ruthlessly hunted down by the ruling Logos. Janwar is a teenager with a nascent gift for Shapeshifting, whose ambitious father is appalled by his son’s proclivity; Alicia is a rebel daughter of the aristocracy, unashamed of her affinity with the animal world. Together with their Shapeshifting friends – Diana the intuitive Dwarf, William the magical adept, Rowena the Rhino and Francis, a mole in the Logos - they must find and rescue Queen Elfina, who has been spirited away because of her Otherworldly sympathies. 

Elfina in her turn has a larger destiny to fulfil: reconciling the forces of science, led by the diabolical Roger Bacon, and resurgent religion, led by the charismatic Zeus Messiah. She has the ancient elemental powers of the Earth at her disposal, along with the help of the Shapeshifters, but will that be enough to pacify these old enemies? 

A page-turning drama that addresses a central mythological theme of our times, Shapeshifters is also a real-world exploration of the larger humanity that emerges from embodying animal spirits."

Monday 18 September 2023


It has been occurring to me that in writing my book The Medicine Wheel, I took the spirit, the essence of a tradition and reinvented it for our culture. Not only did I reinvent it, I added to the tradition. The Medicine Wheel is now something we can claim as our own, and not because of my book alone.

The book is easy to read and understand, yet addresses the underlying themes in their complexity and profundity. It is a book to be lived, as the Medicine Wheel itself always has been. The ideas are fully embedded in western culture in a way that only someone from this culture could achieve.

Gosh, this is a bit of a paean to myself, very un-English of me, and I hope you'll forgive me 🤣 There is worse to come!

In writing the book, the archetype of the translator was breathing through me. Not literal translation of one language to another, but the translation of the spirit of a tradition into a form that can be readily appreciated in another culture, so that it does not seem foreign. It is a weighty responsibility. I began writing under a New Moon in Capricorn, which has that kind of gravitas.

St Jerome is the archetype of the translator in our culture. He translated the Bible from the original Hebrew into Latin. Up until then, translations from Greek into Latin had been used. OK, he didn't reinvent a whole tradition, but even in translating words you need a poet's mind, you need to grasp the spirit of what is being said and find an equivalent. Which cannot be literally exact, and adds new meaning, as well as losing some of the old.

So in this sense St Jerome was reinventing a tradition. Moreover, he undertook his translation next to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, built on the spot where Jesus was said to have been born. Shamanically, you could say, the original essence of Jesus was flowing through and informing him as he did his work.

For me, there has also been a strange synchronicity. St Jerome had come to mind recently in relation to my work. The Medicine Wheel was published on 30 Sept 2022, which is the Feast Day of St Jerome. I couldn't believe it when I found that out. Yes, I am being told, we are both translators of something deep. And my book was published 23 years after attending my first course on the Wheel, and having been with it, one way or another, ever since. This was exactly the amount of time Jerome took to complete his translation.

I am not boasting when I write all the above. I have a reluctance, but there is a particular gravitas and significance to The Medicine Wheel that needs to be articulated. It enables us to claim this shamanic thing for our own, without the endless deferring to indigenous people that we often engage in, when it can be like the Pope has walked into the room. We can stand on equal terms, and that is something we need to do for our shamanism to reach maturity.

There are various depictions of St Jerome. I chose the one with the lion, that references the popular belief that he tamed a lion by healing its paw. The union of animal and human, as well as healing, are central to the Shamanic endeavour.

NB If you buy my book and leave a (genuine) rating on Amazon, I will give you a free astrology (or tarot) reading😊 The same goes for my astrology book Surfing the Galactic Highways.

Sunday 10 September 2023


Fire, Water, Earth and Air are the 4 elements that make up the universe, both for Europeans and Native Americans. It is an ancient way of understanding the world that we share. Isn't that wonderful? Old ways like this live in our viscera, even though we may have forgotten them. It just takes a bit of smudge and honouring of the Elements for that ancient thing to awaken in us.

I like the Elements because they are concrete, they are close to experience. They are not the abstractions that we have got used to. You want to understand the universe? Here are the equations, but you won't understand them. And even if you do, your senses will not be invited in to share in the knowing.
But even Fire, Water, Earth and Air are, to a degree, abstractions. Abstraction has its place, for it can reveal underlying principles. 

All the same, I prefer to say Sun, Rain, Soil and Wind. You can feel them, taste them, smell them, even as you are reading this. Everything is to be found in allowing ourselves to be drawn, with gratitude, into that sensory experience of the world. You don't need books or teachers or spirit guides. That is all this thing we call shamanism is: allowing the spirit to incarnate through its delight in the natural world. And you can do it in a city.