Monday 14 December 2020


Just read this book by Wade Davis, a Canadian anthropologist. It is a hell of a book. It is based on a series of lectures, so is very readable. 


The author gives first hand accounts of peoples he has spent time with all over the world, who are still in some measure living the ancient ways, who have a very different attitude to the world than we moderns do. It is a beautiful feast of diverse humanities. And also an urgent polemic against our destructive and monocultural ways, favouring the ancient wisdoms that saw the human purpose as promoting, rather than destroying, balance in the natural world. The Wayfinders (a reference to the extraordinary navigational skills of the Pacific Islanders) will have an impact on you.

Sunday 13 December 2020


Ent at Wistman's Wood on Dartmoor last week. They remind us of the deeper, slower rhythms of life. As, perhaps, has Covid. Our daily whizzing about and planning needs to be in the service of these rhythms. When you have the opportunity to get up late and to do nothing, take it and listen.

Wednesday 9 December 2020

The Four Agreements

Have just read this. A brilliant Toltec guide as to how to live and to transform yourself. The 4 agreements with yourself are: to be impeccable with your word; not to take anything personally; not to make assumptions; and to always do your best. 


In this way we become free of the collective illusions, the planetary dream, that we all belong to, and free to be deeply ourselves. And that is joyful and loving.