Friday 24 December 2021


The way forward for myself with Shamanism as a collective phenomenon isn't clear. We need to work with society, not against it, as Medicine people in any traditional society would. The basic attitude needs to be one of appreciation, from a place of strength and discernment, rather than mistrust from a place of insecurity, of not having done the shadow work. That oppositional place is often a necessary starting point, but it is very provisional, it needs to be grown out of.

Society is what it is, because we humans are what we are. It is not a threat. We have another basis within us that is Spirit, that is limitless, that is not dependent on the tragi-comedy of collective human existence. Recent events around the pandemic have showed me how deep is the oppositional attitude in the Shamanic world to our collective. I don't yet know how to approach it.

What I do know is that a necessary step, maybe even the next step, forward for many of us lies in accepting the collective for what it is, and in turn we shall become more at ease with who we are. This is a deep thing, and it is not a compromise; rather, it is about accepting part of who we are, for we are collective creatures, we belong, and that is also a metaphysical truth. It grounds us in a new way, it gives us authority and strength, it connects us. Some Shamanic teachers convey the opposite, they perpetuate this opposition, and they are not serving themselves or anyone else. You could say it comes down to shadow work.

My thoughts for some time have been on how to address this oppositional attitude, indeed can I, it is so prevalent, it has become so fundamental? I am sure that Spirit will show me. For the moment, I just need to keep writing :)

Thursday 23 December 2021


I once heard a story about a Native American Medicine Woman who got dementia. She'd been well-known and respected in her time. But now she was no longer what she had been. She would sit there, vacant, saying nothing, recognising no-one. One day her daughter and a friend were sitting with her, and the friend was commiserating about what a tragedy it was. Suddenly the old lady sat bolt upright, her old self, and said brightly, "Don't worry, dear, I'm just having a different experience." And then reverted to her now familiar dementia self.

My mother had dementia for many years, and once it was obviously there, she became much easier to be with. Before that, she used to drive everyone away, myself included (she had Sun conjunct Mars in Aries.) Once she had made the early and difficult transition, she was happy in a way I had never known her to be. I once said to her, I know you can't communicate, but I think you are having a different experience which is hard for me to imagine, and you seem happy in it. At that point she tried to grab my hand, the first time there had been any kind of attempt at communication from her for a very long time. So maybe she felt recognised. Towards the end, one of the staff at the home commiserated with me about how sad it was, and it was well-meant so I didn't say anything. But I didn't agree.

What occurs to me is that sometimes when people get dementia, maybe it is a necessary corrective to how they have been. It seemed so with my mother. Maybe, for example, if you've been living for all these decades with a strongly defended idea of who you are, then eventually life bursts in as your system ages and demolishes that proud self, allowing you to return home, in a sense to who you always were. My mother announced at one point, while she still had speech, "My name's sixpence." There was an Irish trickster in her. I think she was abducted by the little people when younger - she used to hang out with them as a child - and never fully made it to this world.

Wednesday 22 December 2021


 Yes! I have copies of my astrology book, which is influenced by my shamanic perspective. Not available in the shops till later next year. You can purchase from me for £14.50 including p&p. 

Here is what published astrologer Joanna Watters said about it: "The astrologer's first job is to demystify. The second is to fascinate. Through his insistence on pure craft winning, at every turn, over personal feelings or bias, Barry Goddard achieves just that. An astrological page-turner."

Wednesday 15 December 2021


Lewsi Mehl Madrona

Lewis Mehl Madrona, a Cherokee guy who is also a conventional doctor, introduced me to the concept of Two Eyed Seeing, where 'alternative' and conventional approaches live alongside each other, neither criticising the other. This is includes healthcare, and I think is particularly important to bear in mind at the moment, where one side is fiercely criticising the other. There is never a good outcome, as Lewis points out, when this happens.

Donald Fixico

Anyway, Lewis regularly interviews interesting people, and
here he is with a Native American Professor, one of his heroes, who lectures on American Indian Thought. (Just scroll down a bit once you are on the link.) It is fascinating. His foundational point is that modern thought tends to be linear, whereas Indian thought is more circular, it thinks in wholes and relations. And out of that comes the idea of being in relationship to, listening to and learning from, the natural world. I'm half-way through, and I am gripped, and I thought I'd put this point down before I forgot it :)

Saturday 4 December 2021


A 5-day retreat in Snowdonia with Barry Goddard and Emma Edgington 22-27 June 2022

The spirits are close to us. They welcome the opportunity to be embodied. It is the way traditional shamans usually work, giving a visceral power to their engagement with the Spiritworld. This was appreciated in the Middle Ages, when people used to dance in the churches, before it was banned. It is time to reclaim the body as a vehicle for Spirit. It is not about ‘dance’, but rather surrendering and moving as the spirits want. This retreat will combine embodiment journeying, dream sharing, ceremony and walks in Snowdonia.

The venue will be Cae Mabon, a magical and jaw-droppingly beautiful eco-retreat in North Wales: a fairy-tale village hanging on a steep hillside, with stunning views across to Snowdon.

Barry Goddard has been involved with shamanic practices for 25 years, and before that Buddhism for 16 years. He has recently published two books: The Medicine Wheel, and an astrological book, Surfing the Galactic Highways. He lives on Dartmoor.

Emma Edgington lives near London where she teaches shamanic journeying and healing and is the creative director at Knowing Healing Hub.

Prices vary from £299-£369 p/p with the option to camp or book shared accommodation. A 50% deposit is required to assure your booking. Prices include food and accommodation.

For all enquiries and bookings please email Barry at