Wednesday 13 March 2019


These points of national political meltdown are very rare. They create a lot of anxiety and uncertainty and it easy to respond to that by catastrophising and blaming. But they also represent a personal opportunity. There is little any of us can do to change the situation, and anyway how would we know what would help? But what we can do is stay with the feeling of uncertainty, uncomfortable as it is, without reacting to it. Because uncertainty, in this world, is the nature of things. 

We lay down tramlines of belief and codes of behaviour that provide an orientation for life, and we need these. But they are provisional. The shaman has the psychological strength to live outside these tramlines, and that gives him/her the alignment with Spirit necessary to counsel and to heal. 

So that is the opportunity of this time: to live in the uncertainty that is the true nature of things, and to draw strength from that, even to relish it. Above is the painting 'Autumn Rhythm' by Jackson Pollock, that shows the creatively chaotic nature of the inner world, where nothing is predictable, nothing repeats itself.

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