Friday 7 September 2018

Ayahuasca and the Shadow

When I took some ayahuasca 20 years ago, I became aware of a deep pain running through me. And I also became aware that it was that which kept me grounded and embodied and gave me a measure of humility. So I'm kind of a fan of the difficult stuff, the shadow stuff. I mean sometimes it can still kibosh me. Like I can feel overwhelmed and anxious in a disproportionate way when practical difficulties come up. Or I can start to panic if I think I'm not being listened to - like there's a law saying anyone has to? 

But the key thing is making friends with this stuff, and NOT JUDGING IT. That is the key. Being kind to it and not trying to change it. And seeing others in the same way. It is so easy and yet so difficult not to judge. But it makes all the difference. It takes us straight into spirit, into spaciousness and compassion and connectedness. Everything the yogis and mystics and shamans have always talked about.

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