Saturday 21 July 2018


You're a strange one. And I mean that as a compliment. Your life is governed not by the dictates of society, but by some inner imperative, which you are increasingly recognising. And the more you do that, the less you will judge yourself by your inability to measure up in conventional terms. I know this self-judging all too well, it is a burden we need to throw off. 

We have our own means of seeing our lives, in terms of how close we have lived to that daimon, how much we have loved and honoured him/her. And what happens when we don't. Yet periods where we don't listen are part of the path too. And it is all a slow path, much slower than a career.

And the more you understand this inner calling, the more will your past make sense to you, not as some random wandering, but as a necessary series of experiences that have contributed to the wisdom that now flows through you when you listen to yourself.

But you'll always be an odd one to many people. You have my recognition and solidarity.

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