Friday 18 March 2022


I think that what has perturbed me most about the 'vaccine wars' is that they have drawn so many shamanic people into them. I think we need to be standing apart from such battles and promoting an appreciation of both sides, which I have always argued for: of both conventional medicine and alternative medicine, in this case, instead of pitting one against the other. It is an old war, it is so destructive, and there can be no good outcome. Otherwise we are behaving just like the rest of the world does with nearly every issue.

The whole point of being 'conscious' (an overused word) is an appreciation of all sides. That is why Shamans are seen as people with wisdom. It is the same with the gender wars too, where one side tends to get the blame. And left-right in politics too (left is good, right is bad, so we are told.)

Don't get drawn into these things. There is an energy around them, it is collective and powerful and very seductive. It can make you feel like you are on the side of right against wrong, and accordingly full of purpose. But that in itself is always 'wrong'. With all issues, I think it is best to take the attitude that we are all in this together, humanity the world over, trying to make it work, and not beat ourselves up too much for the things that don’t work. I think there is also a kind of laziness in finding people to blame for those things.

We need to stand, in an energetic sense, outside of these human whirlwinds and thought patterns. The spirits will help us do that, because they do not want us taking sides, if only because we can't to that extent listen to the spirits properly. And our job is to listen to them and act accordingly, not anything else.


  1. I agree. I am neither pro or anti vax. However, more importantly is the discord that one side versus another creates and the sense of moral outrage and self righteousness that goes with it.
    The one caveat I would make is that injustice of any kind is something I find hard to tolerate, or cruelty. Even though, like so many others I have been guilty of both while making a clumsy way through this complex world.

  2. Except trying to control others' medical decisions is creating a polarity where it doesn't exist. Wanting medical freedom and body autonomy is not "taking a side"

    1. Sure, one can disagree with certain government policies, this can be necessary. But this is different to the inner attitude of polarisation, of opposition. We need to be able to see, for example, why the government is doing what they are doing, rather than just casting them as tyrants, which is what often seems to happen.

  3. As someone I'm fond of was pouring all that virus/vaccine chatter into my ear I held the phone awy so that I could barely hear it. When I heard her say "I want to help the world" I asked Spirit to take over. The words that came through were just right for her: "This is Sodom and Gommorah. Only those who keep their head above the sewerage will be able to help the world. Talking about it, reading about it, reacting to it is having one's head down in the sewerage." Her response was interesting, she said " I'm so glad you mentioned Sodom and Gommorah." Interesting.
