Friday 6 November 2020


So the UK government has just put us back into lockdown-lite. That puts us indoors and into ourselves. Trust it. I don't mean trust everything the government does. I mean trust the inward place into which the lockdown puts many of us, and the length of time it has been going on.... and on for.

We have the energy of the collective with us in this dreamtime exploration. It is unprecedented, and may never happen again. (Though one noted astrologer predicts the next pandemic to be in 2028/9).

You could say the first phase, back in April, was about the crust breaking: our reluctance to be in that inward place and to dream, being broken down. It is much easier to stay busy, and we generally have the energy of the collective with us on that one.

And then over time we get taken to that slower inward place, in which our old selves and our old lives are dissolved and up for question. And that went on for months, and it can be uncomfortable, and it can feel like life is on hold, even that it is being wasted. But that is the nature of the dreaming place. It is slow, and nothing definite happens, but Spirit washes into us and changes us all the same.

In a sense, it is what we are here to do. To provide a physical vessel so that Spirit can dream.

And we seemed to be slowly coming out of it, and then the government - which is ultimately ourselves, an expression of the collective to which, like it or not, we belong - pushed us under again.

Another way of looking at the Dreamtime is as the Underworld Journey, in which we are first taken apart, sometimes painfully, so that new life can find space amongst our old emotional habits, and then we are re-constituted with a new sense of our lives. And sometimes that Underworld Journey seems to go on and on, and we kick against it and want to get busy and make our lives work again. But the only way really is to just remain with ourselves and to remain attuned to the deeper unfolding.

And so that is what the government has just done. Put us back in that place. But we have been there a long time now, and I think it is time to begin dreaming the future. Who we may be and what we may do. I don't think it is time to begin doing the new yet. But it is time to begin dreaming it. To begin Vision Questing.

And in this way Dreaming is also like Prayer. We are aligning what Spirit wants with what we want. And when that alignment is there, stuff happens. It is like a flower unfolding, and we need to be sensitive to what phase of unfoldment our particular flower is in. If the bud is still tight, then we know the dream is there to be unfolded, but we may not even know what type of flower it is. So sometimes we just need to carry that sense of a dream, we hold it and we nurture it, and we stay close to it. But we may not know what it is, and we will only get in the way if we reach after knowing, like trying to prise open a bud. At other times it is damn well time to start being specific and making it happen. Or being it. And stop indulging our pitiable self-doubt 🤣 That is a fire many of us have to go through, more than once. The dream is not 'ours', it belongs to Spirit, which is why synchronous events occur, and it is to be lived for the sake of the collective as well as ourselves.

But I think collectively it is now a time when the old has been sufficiently dissolved and sufficiently composted for us to begin to dream the future. But provisionally, and staying in that inward place for as long as it is asked of us.

And then beyond. It is a way of living and of being that we are being initiated into, that we will need to keep coming back to, and not let the busyness and its values predominate in the way that they tend to.

1 comment:

  1. For me when you talked of Dreamtime i think the timing is awesome. Resting, releasing going within, into our cave, the womb of darkness.
