Wednesday 18 March 2020


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This life, and the death that comes with it, are part of a bigger dream that encompasses both. This slow realisation lies behind the traditional yogic virtues of non-attachment, surrender to spirit, the lofty eagle perspective and the ability to chill on a level most of us can only dream about. And because there is this bigger dream, and we are currently enveloped in bodies, it means that what we can actually know is zilch, nothing - all is the Great Mystery. 

These ideas we often take so seriously about scientific truth and the earth being round and the importance of getting the Labour party in power and what is authentic Shamanism - all these are just stories we create to keep going, and we do need those stories, because they are all we have. 
But the stories we take really seriously need to be preposterous, and we shamans score well in that matter: we have these imaginary friends we talk to and we even quote what they say as unassailable truth (well, that's maybe where it starts to go a bit wrong 🤣

So where am I going with this? I began with wanting to say something (again!) about Coronavirus, and also talk about a book I've just read, The Beauty of the Primitive: Shamanism and the Western Imagination (thanks to the recently-suntanned Jez Hughes for that one). Note there is a free pdf for this book, which otherwise costs around £45.

I think I'll stay with the first topic. The secret to being read on the internet is to stick to 500 words, be entertaining and make your points concisely. Which I am not doing today :) 

I offer Shamanic consultations, usually by skype, in which we can talk over anything you want to talk over. I may use the Medicine Wheel, Journeying, Astrology, Tarot or anything that works. And it centres around listening to ourselves in a deep way. I work on a donation basis, and I am happy with whatever is easy for you: I love this work. Contact:


What I want to say is this: the government needs to stop fighting Coronavirus and let it take its course. Not just on the principle of living with other life forms, instead of trying to eradicate the troublesome ones, which shamans and anyone who loves the earth understands. (Now here is a thought: for the American Indians, the forms of life that were dangerous to us had powerful medicine also. So there is one to think about. Corona is technically a mildly pokey virus, but energetically clearly has something huge going on. So how can Corona heal us? Maybe she can wake us up to the fragility of our 'powerful' civilisation, that it can be dismantled in a matter of days! Now that is a strong medicine. Humility is its name. And she is also showing us that we are one interconnected humanity.)
No, the government also needs to stop fighting Coronavirus because death is not the worst thing that can happen. There is a trickster at work here: Coronavirus is midly pokey, yet we treat her like the Black Death. That says so much.

And that brings me back to the start. In our culture we have a terror of death (look up Stephen Jenkinson on youtube for this, he is great.) The government is trying to reduce the number of deaths from Coronavirus by attempting to make the pandemic manageable (itself a laughable aim, life is not manageable), but in so doing it is shutting down the country. Look at the amount of suffering that austerity caused. That was nothing compared to what is coming now. I would happily give up my life if it meant life was liveable for those still on their earthwalk (deliberate shamanic cliche there 😂). 

Let me be plain: more people will die if we do not try to contain Coronavirus, because the NHS will not be able to cope with it all happening at once. But, in my opinion, that is a price worth paying, rather than something far worse than austerity occurring. But we are terrified of death, it is the great annhiliation, and this is skewing how the government sees the situation.

To me, this is common sense. It comes out of this sense of a bigger dream than life and death. And life teaches us to trust death, saying that if we stay with what is happening, on a deeper level we gradually learn to always trust what is coming next. It's as Tagore sang: "And because I love this life I know I shall love death as well." Life, in this sense, is a long preparation for death. 
Rabindranath Tagor
So come on Boris, let's get Coronavirus done! Let it happen. Don't let the cultural abomination of death (Read: 'Flattening the curve') stand in the way of the living!

1 comment:

  1. Always find it odd how there is talk of 'saving lives', as though these people will now live for ever? The modelling they are in fear of shows 250,000 deaths in a short space of time through 'no action'. Quite a strain on the crematoriums though I don't know what sort of percentage increase to normal this amounts to. With social distancing measures etc, the figure comes down to an expected 20,000. Quite a courageous decision to opt for the first, though you are concerned about the quality of life for those in the lower echelons of society with the expected further austerity, are you not?
