Wednesday 22 January 2020


Here is a piece by Leo Rutherford from his website at Eagle's Wing:
"Soul Retrieval is one of the most well-known and effective practices to restore or recapitulate lost life force.
To understand how recapitulation practices work, we need to look at the multidimensional nature of reality and move away from a linear sequential perspective. From this expanded perspective, ‘anything which has ever happened to anybody, anywhere; is still happening somewhere’. If a traumatic event occurred ten, twenty or so years ago, it is still happening for that person somewhere in the matrix of the eternal reality of ‘now’ and is likely to be still influencing that person’s life.
Shamanism does not dwell on ‘past’ events; there is only this vast awesome ever-moving great moment of ‘now’ where there is no separate past, present, or future. It is possible for a practitioner to journey outside of linear time and go to the place where that energetic event is still occurring and find and bring back that person’s trapped life force. When this has been carried out, the therapeutic healing of the event and its consequences can truly begin.
The lost life-force, known as soul-loss, can take place when we have an accident, experience overly strong emotional exchanges with a loved one, separation from a partner, death of a loved one or go through a pervasive period of difficult circumstances. When we undergo a severe trauma typically a part of our vital nature goes away, so that we can survive whatever is happening to us. Problems develop when the soul part or fragment does not return.It may not want to come back, or may not be able to return due to the nature of the trauma.
There are a number of symptoms of soul-loss. For example, when people feel that they are observing life as an outsider rather than engaging and being fully involved or when feeling ‘spaced’ out a lot of the time, not really here. Other symptoms are life-themes such as a pervasive fear, inability to trust people. Severe depression can also be a symptom as can chronic illness, ME and lack of energy symptoms. This directly relates to Personal Power. In the shamanic worldview, power and maintaining health go hand in hand. If the body is power-full, there is no room for illness or disease, which are regarded as an invasive force."


I used to do quite a lot of Soul Retrievals myself years ago. These days I am somewhat ambivalent about them, because I would rather help people find their own bits of soul themselves. Then they learn something.  So for me the jury is out!


I offer skype/FB video astrology readings, by donation. Contact: BWGoddard1 (at)


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