Monday 25 November 2019


We are a hungry people. We eat 3 times a day, and so our stomachs have pretty much a full-time job. We are hungry because we are disconnected from Spirit. This process began 1000 years ago when Christianity removed the sacred from the everyday to an authority up there somewhere. From that point it has been just one step to getting rid of the sacred altogether, as materialist Science has done. We think Science has made us more advanced than any people before; in reality, as the first society to largely ditch the sacred, we are the most out of balance.

The story of life is not about a linear progression from lower to higher stages of development, but a circling around a centre, and we have moved a long way from that centre. The Medicine Wheel shows us this principle in our individual lives. We are at the centre when the 4 Elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air are in balance. Or Spirit, Emotion, Body and Mind respectively.

Fire and Water are the foundational directions, out of which arise their opposites, much as Death arises out of Birth. So the Body (West) is dreamed into being by Spirit (East), while Thoughts (North) are largely the froth on the ocean currents of our Emotions (South).

I offer Shamanic consultations, usually by skype, in which we can talk over anything you want to talk over. I may use the Medicine Wheel, Journeying, Astrology, Tarot or anything that works. And it centres around listening to ourselves in a deep way. I work on a donation basis, and I am happy with whatever is easy for you: I love this work. Contact:
One form of imbalance occurs when Mind and the Body acquire lives of their own, imagining themselves to be independent of that which creates them, namely Emotion and Spirit. And this split is precisely what characterises the scientific method, which relies principally on Theory (Air) and Data (Earth). There is nothing wrong with that in itself, but it so easily forgets its debt to, its foundation in, Fire and Water.

And I think this forgetting has spread to the way we live, so that we are often a people of Mind and Body, with Emotion and Spirit in their shadow forms. So we are hungry for mental and bodily stimulation. I have a hunch that the digestive system has more roles to play if it is not set to work all the time. There should be laws against it. It is, perhaps, symbolic: we are endlessly stimulated, endlessly 'eating', and we easily judge negatively the 'nothing' time when stillness can happen, and when Fire and Water can reveal themselves and feed us with food that will nourish.


  1. well said! thank you for your thoughtful work.

  2. I like your work a lot and enjoy the particular cross section of wisdom that is your vision and mission to impart to the world. As a scientist and daughter and grand daughter of scientists, I urge you to embrace a deeper and more accurate understanding of science and its place in our world. Many, if not most, scientists are drawn to science because they do see the sacred in our everyday world, and want to explore and understand more of what our relationship to it is. They may not call it by the names you do, but the miraculous fact of our being is their passion. If there is a “bad guy” in the mix, I would say it is where money enters the fray and capitalists become blinded by the quest for profit over the good of life and our planet.
