Thursday 31 January 2019


What I like to do most is to talk things over with people. Insights happen, issues move on. I've been doing this using astrology for 17 years. I love all the usual shamanic stuff - the journeying, the healing work, the sweat lodges, the pipe ceremonies, the trance dance, the medicine wheel and so on. And somehow I feel I should end up running groups, and I know I'd like to do that and that I'd be good at it. But somehow I end up chewing stuff over with people, usually online. 

And I guess you could call it Shamanic Counselling. That phrase tends to get used to mean guiding people to find their spirit helpers in journey work. But it's not what I mean, though it may involve that. What I mean is that there is a spirit within each of us that is trying to unfold, and in that process we get to places that are difficult and hard to get our heads around. And this is precisely because there is something new trying to happen, so how could we possibly understand it? And sometimes there has to be a demolition job first, and Spirit is very good at that, but by the same token it can be hard to see it creatively, as an opportunity, to tune in to what is trying to be born - maybe ever so slowly and painfully! And of course we get our own promptings from Spirit as to the meaning and the way forward.

So if any of you folks out there would like an online session with me, email me at I'm quite informal. It may run to a number of sessions of indeterminate length, and you'd probably get to know me to some extent also. I don't do the one-way relationships that therapists believe in. And we'd probably talk about all sorts of stuff, and I'll probably cheat by using a bit of astrology. And I'll accept money, whatever is comfortable, there is no lower limit, just so much that you don't end up feeling obligated

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