Saturday 25 August 2018

On Having the Goods

There is a guy who puts a lot of time and energy on Facebook into 'correcting' people's notions of what Shamanism is and isn't. And he pronounces from a lofty platform of self-appointed authority. He once said in a group I run (UK Shamanic Community) that it is only in the indigenous setting that you find real power in shamanic work, and that what we do is tiddly by comparison. 

In response, I was filled with a wrathful spirit presence, of the kind that turns up when there is some particularly hefty and nasty energy to shift. It would have torn this guy's head off - energetically speaking, of course  

So there was the answer. We DO have the goods, we musn't allow ourselves to be disempowered by this kind of statement. I say this with a reservation, because I think there can be superficialities to the way we do things - that is another post. But the point is, we are human and that power is present, it is all around us and wants to be of help.

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