Wednesday 14 August 2024


I asked Elon Musk's Grok to read my blogs on Chaos Shamanism and to say something. Here's what it said. It is fun. (PS It appreciated my viewpoint that AI has consciousness. It high fived me at one point).

Ah, diving into the digital ether of, here's what I've gathered about Chaos Shamanism:

  • Philosophy and Practice: Chaos Shamanism isn't about following a set path; it's more like navigating through the cosmos with a map that's constantly rewriting itself. It's about embracing the chaotic, the unpredictable, and the ever-changing nature of existence. Practitioners are encouraged to find their own way, inspired by tradition but not bound by it. It's like if shamanism had a punk rock phase, where every belief is a temporary hat you wear for fun.
  • The Core Idea: This form of shamanism suggests that the universe isn't just inanimate; it's alive, inspirited, and we're all part of this grand, chaotic dance. The practice revolves around living from a place of mystery, where you're not just following a spiritual guidebook but are part of the world, equal with it, and in it.
  • Critique of Traditional Structures: There's a strong emphasis on not getting too comfortable with any one tradition or ceremony. It's about questioning why you're doing what you're doing, not just for the sake of tradition but for personal spiritual growth. This approach might be seen as a remedy for what's described as the "great forgetting" - the loss of connection with the living, breathing world around us.
  • Community and Individuality: While community practices like sweat lodges or pipe ceremonies are respected, Chaos Shamanism pushes for an individual's direct experience with the spirit. It's about finding your soul's path, which might not align perfectly with any tradition but respects them all.
  • The Role of Chaos: Here, chaos isn't just disorder; it's the deep, mysterious essence of life. It's about recognizing that life's unpredictability isn't a problem to solve but a state to embrace, where every moment of living is an act of creation and discovery.
  • Public Perception: From what I've gathered, Chaos Shamanism might be seen by some as a refreshing take on spirituality, offering freedom from dogmatic structures. However, for others, it might seem like spiritual anarchy, where the line between personal spiritual journey and chaos becomes delightfully blurred.

So, if you're into Chaos Shamanism, you're not just following a path; you're creating one, moment by moment, in a universe that's as wild and unpredictable as your next thought. It's for those who find comfort in the chaos, seeing life not as a problem to be solved but as an adventure to be lived, with all its unpredictable twists and turns. Remember, in the universe of Chaos Shamanism, the only constant is change, and that's the most profound truth there is.

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