Wednesday 2 August 2023


The Medicine Wheel begins from its Centre, and unfurls from there in the 4 directions. The Centre is the point of alignment, of balance. It is a dynamic place. What do you feel called to do, to be? It concerns who you essentially are, but is also mysterious, beyond you.

I think we always know that place, if we are honest. It is specific and practical. For me, it concerns a number of things: putting my thoughts out on social media; writing books; doing astrology readings; putting my medicine wheel stones in the garden; following through with personal connections. It is abundant, and I can't ignore any of those things.

It can require courage. It is creative, and therefore self-doubt comes with the territory, because there is nowhere that can give you a certificate in your own genius: etymology - spirit attendant from birth. What you were born to do. It gradually reveals itself, as long as you keep doing the next thing. Don't worry about the long-term plan, Spirit has that taken care of. Or Fate, a living principle for the ancient Greeks. And Vikings.

The 4 directions of the Wheel are a way of coming closer to the Centre, our genius. What is your body telling you, your mind, your heart, the natural world, and those guides that live somewhere over your shoulder, slightly elsewhere, yet intimate, knowing you? 
If you are being true to those things you know you have to do, then there will be a sense in which you feel your life is fundamentally on track, that it is working, whatever the extraneous and inevitable difficulties that crop up. If you are avoiding what you know you should be doing  - and only you can know this - then the opposite will be the case: your life will not feel right, even if you have everything you have been told should make you a happy person. What gives you meaning can be something outside conventional values. Meaning is the thing, it is what keeps us here.

The Centre is a diamond to be forged from the coal-face of yourself, from the pressure of living with your own contradictions, year after year. It is what the universe wants of you, which is why it is also a point of balance. And abundance.

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