Wednesday 6 October 2021


There is a raw, primal place this journeying thing can go to. It may take a while, especially with our 1000-year background in the relegation of the body - it used to be Spirit-Body, now it is Mind-Body. The 'client' (from the Latin, 'someone who heeds', I can go with that) may not be ready for that primal interaction, or even need that. But, and this could be an indictment, nor may the 'practitioner' be ready for that.

What a word, 'shamanic practitioner', as if this thing is some kind of practice. It is real, it is raw, it is not a 'profession'. 'Health and Safety' would do well to steer a wide berth. You may vomit, you may speak in tongues or be uninhibitedly animal, a bison bellowing or a big cat roaring; you will not have control of your body, and you will certainly have surrendered beyond that which is acceptable and 'civilised'. This is the territory where the spirits come into their own. And the healing work you do will be real. You won't have words for the main part of it. 
May be an image of outdoors

This is the healing territory I have wandered in for a long time, not sure what to do with it. Well, I thought I did to start with, many years ago. And it worked, for a while. But it was the in-the-door-out-the-door method. I now know it involves a lengthier process than we are maybe accustomed to, like God forbid actually getting to know the person over time and letting some Spirit sense of what is needed settle. I also know I need to physically move like some primeval presence, or it needs to move me; just having a chat with some being in the lower or upper worlds won't fully cut it, much as I respect those worlds.

Maybe that is all I have to say for now. But it is something I want to explore with others. I'm just not quite sure when or how. It's probably tied in with getting my realm back before too long (I hope), after a 4 year absence, my 5 bed house with barns and 27 acres on Dartmoor. A place where we can fully shapeshift into our animal souls and roam free across the moor. Moving back there will be an archetypal event, all sorts of things I cannot now foresee will become possible.

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