Wednesday 2 June 2021


January through to March this year I was writing a book on the Medicine Wheel (for which I think I’ve found a publisher.) Then April and May I was writing a book on astrology. Both books took me by surprise, but were in a way straightforward, because all the thoughts were there in my head waiting to be set down. Half way through the astrology book, a wolf turned up, an alpha male, who wanted to be written about. But in the form of a fantasy novel. Not so straightforward. I think I will take time over it. I want to be true to my shapeshifting experience. I want to take up where Philip Pullman left off, and overturn the successor to the God of the Old Testament, the God of Reason (who I think Pullman has too much regard for), and free the Spirit of the Earth. And I want people to know that your daemons don’t get fixed when you grow up (as Pullman indicated), in fact the opposite is hopefully the case.

The wolf doesn’t just want to be written about. Operating in conjunction with Sophia, an inner lady who turned up a couple of years ago after appearing in dreams for some years, I think he is giving me the wherewithal to go and get a physical place that people can come to. I’ve been getting quite out of sorts for some days, and today I realised it was about insufficient purpose, now that the main book-writing is over. My foot is still in plaster, but nevertheless I walked 5 miles on Dartmoor today. It is so good after 4 months not being able to walk far. And then I did some press-ups and pull-ups. I cannot be stopped! I am starting to feel fit as a butcher’s dog. Tomorrow I will massage a rhinoceros…..

So yes, this thing I have written about occasionally for some years, buying a place with a bit of land that people can come to. It was always not the right time. But now I think it almost is. The financial hurdles that appeared are almost gone, and I am in a better position than I was. And I may have a book or two published that will make people want to come.

And seriously, I am not ambitious. It is some years since I stopped caring very much about how the world saw me. I was never very good at it anyway. This is just something I want to do, and I will trust whatever does and does not happen. Ambition has been replaced by trust. But I’m good at what I do. For now, it’s me heading off as a lone wolf to do this. But as an Aquarian with Moon-Saturn in the 4th, the sense of home and community in strong in me (and in wolves) and I’m sure that will happen too in its own good time. And it would be great to have some sort of summer shamanic gathering under canvas, mainly based on just being together and allowing things to happen, rather than too much in the way of programmes and teachers. It is time to shine 😊

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