Tuesday 17 December 2019


Things are very intense politically at the moment, in the UK at any rate. We are maybe most of us feeling strongly one way or the other. How does this work out from a Spirit perspective?

Our primary task is to become whole, balanced human beings; and maybe to help others do so, by being whole (to some extent) ourselves. This is what all the various practices and ceremonies we do are aimed at. And that balance comes about through placing Spirit at the centre of our wheel, listening to that voice, and letting the rest our being organise itself around that centre. It is a long process, a slow process - and we are not always sure what is Spirit and what is something else - but it is the only one worth doing.

One way we achieve balance is through the mind, through the views we hold. We humans are perennially one-sided and partial. We take the side of the view that matches who we are. This is a well-known psychological finding. The judgements we make are primarily instinctual, and the reasons to justify those judgements come afterwards. In this respect, we are like an elephant with a tiny rider on the top. The elephant makes the decisions instinctively/intuitively, and the rider on top is the rational mind that thinks it is making the decisions.

It is, if you like, the North of the Medicine Wheel thinking it is in charge, that it is the Elder; but all along it is being led by the South, by Emotion.

I offer Shamanic consultations, usually by skype, in which we can talk over anything you want to talk over. I may use the Medicine Wheel, Journeying, Astrology, Tarot or anything that works. And it centres around listening to ourselves in a deep way. I work on a donation basis, and I am happy with whatever is easy for you: I love this work. Contact: BWGoddard1@aol.co.uk
So I think our primary job as teachers/healers in the area of politics is not to back one side against the other (though obviously we will have our own preferences, and will vote that way), but to do these things:

(1) Be conscious in yourself that you vote mainly on the basis of a feeling in yourself, not on the basis of a reason. Be true to that feeling, for it is who you are, but also stand back a bit from it, be conscious.

(2) Develop an awareness of why people vote differently to you. I don't mean just with the mind, I mean FEEL it, for only then can you have the necessary empathy. It is not our place as healers to take sides. Remember that people are generally being true to something in themselves with their allegiances. They are not 'wrong', and this needs honouring. Don't 'awfulise' the other side as heartless or Marxist or whatever - this is just one-sided consciousness at work, it is shadow projection, which is the norm in politics on a popular level.

(3) Watch this guy and take what he says to heart. The left/right divide is worldwide, and both sides have points that need to be listened to. And if you are on this site, it is most likely the 'liberal' box that you need to get out of. Though it may be the right wing box. Get out of all boxes. Become conscious. All views are provisional, we don't know what is going on really, we can never know the bigger picture. All is the Great Mystery.

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