Friday 17 April 2020


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I'd say it took me until my mid 50s before I began to have a balanced response to external authority. And that has been tied up with finding my authority within - the Emperor card in the Tarot. And I think that is a big quest. Of course we all think we are our own masters. And then we mind terribly what other people think of us! And we get offended, which I think is a useful experience.
I am talking about the centre of the Medicine Wheel. A deep sense of who we are cannot be separated from a deep connection to Spirit. It is open and flexible and hard-won and will always guide us.
So for myself, I would switch between being afraid of external authority (because I didn't properly have my own) and conforming for that reason, to being afraid of external authority and rebelling and attributing dark motives to those authorities. (I think a lot of conspiracy theory comes from this place.) At a certain point, I decided just to drop it all, and it made life a lot easier.
At present, external authority looms large in our lives. There are government lockdowns all over the world. It is a time when we can look at our relationship to external authority and to our own authority.

I offer Shamanic consultations, usually by skype, in which we can talk over anything you want to talk over. I may use the Medicine Wheel, Journeying, Astrology, Tarot or anything that works. And it centres around listening to ourselves in a deep way. I work on a donation basis, and I am happy with whatever is easy for you: I love this work. Contact: 

We can on the one hand feel secretly reassured just by the fact of being told what to do. I am not opposing the rules by saying this, but I do observe a certain righteousness in some people around following the rules. Or we can rebel and feel there is some dark motive on the part of governments going on, we can't say exactly what, but somehow we just know it. Or we can stay with that piece of gold within us that is our inner guide, and let the governments, in all their limitedness and cack-handedness, get on with whatever it is they are getting on with. 
We can't change the world. But we can be in that still place within that sees clearly, and we can pray from that place and know it will do something, even though we can never know what that is. There is a much bigger picture, a Spirit picture, behind the world that we see, and there is so little we can know, but acknowledging that keys us into the sense of the Great Mystery within which we live our short lives.

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