Saturday, 30 October 2021

Sunday, 24 October 2021
Seem to have started meeting with some friends to do journeying. A couple of weeks ago we did soul retrievals for each other, and then today checked in how that had unfolded. It's been a while since I've done much of this work, but it seems to be time. When I was working, my body was possessed by the spirit helper, and I was vocalising intensely - that itself is part of the energy work, and the person afterwards said they felt something quite ancient and raw was working through me. It seemed to do the job, something underlying was catalysed for the person over the last 2 weeks :)

Thursday, 21 October 2021
Here's something on the Mind, the North of the Medicine Wheel, a place that the counter-culture is wary of. It's gut instinct that we trust, not the head. But that's just a reaction to the one-sidedness of the mainstream culture. It's just as imbalanced.
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
I'll be holding a group on the 3rd Tues of the month, beginning 16th November. 7.30pm. Exeter Natural Health Centre (83 Queen St, next to Boston Tea Party). No experience needed. No need to book. Bring blindfold, and drum or rattle if you have one. Money: by donation. Future dates (so far): 14th Dec, 18th Jan, 15th Feb.

Just been watching this critique of the apocalyptic environmental narrative, which depresses many people, and which is not based on rational considerations. I particularly liked the analysis of the psychology behind this narrative - its religious element, and the way it often forms an unholy alliance with people who are anti- the system, and prone to seeing the world in terms of victims and oppressors. Extinction Rebellion is cited as an example.
The rational solutions are often the opposite of what we think: You want to stop the land being degraded? Then draw the subsistence farmers into work in the cities, which is what they'd prefer anyway.
Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Thursday, 7 October 2021
If there is any way that you are not being true to who you are in your life, do not overlook it for the sake of not causing trouble for yourself or others. It matters, and it will eventually bite you, hard (if you are fortunate.) It cannot be smoothed over or wished away. You may get seriously ill if you try to skirt around it. It is where the cutting edge of your soul lies. It can take courage, it can take those close to you thinking you have lost it. It can take a lot of trust in the bigger design of things, and that you are being taken care of.
Wednesday, 6 October 2021
There is a raw, primal place this journeying thing can go to. It may take a while, especially with our 1000-year background in the relegation of the body - it used to be Spirit-Body, now it is Mind-Body. The 'client' (from the Latin, 'someone who heeds', I can go with that) may not be ready for that primal interaction, or even need that. But, and this could be an indictment, nor may the 'practitioner' be ready for that.